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After years of operation of international railway multimodal transport, Airborne International Logistics relies on the advantages and valuable experience of sea-rail, sea-land international transport, and integrates cross-border comprehensive logistics resources to provide customers with the delivery of goods from one country to another country. Multi-link one-stop service for transportation, transit and port operations at designated delivery locations in China or a third country. It mainly includes cross-border multimodal transport routes from overseas - Chinese ports/ports - Russia, Mongolia, five Central Asian countries and other countries bordering China by land.

The advantages of multimodal transport:
1. Uniform responsibilities and simple procedures One consignment, one contract signed, one single freight charge paid for the whole journey, one intermodal document obtained, all responsibilities performed, and procedures simplified.

2. Reduce the intermediate links, shorten the freight time, reduce the damage to the goods, and improve the freight quality. The goods are directly transported from the sender's warehouse to the consignee's warehouse for delivery, without unpacking and loading, reducing the intermediate links. , to better ensure the safety of goods and freight quality. There is close coordination and tight connection between various transportation links and various means of transportation. Wherever the goods go, the transit is fast and timely, reducing the stopover time, so it can better ensure the safe, rapid, accurate and timely delivery of the goods to the destination. land.

3. Reduce transportation costs, save transportation and miscellaneous expenses, and facilitate trade development. After the goods are packed or loaded on the first-way means of transportation, the intermodal documents can be obtained for foreign exchange settlement. The whole process of multimodal transport uses an intermodal document and a single freight rate, which greatly simplifies the document preparation and settlement procedures, saves a lot of manpower and material resources, especially for the cargo side to calculate the transport cost in advance, select a reasonable transport route, and provide trade. favorable conditions.

4. Realize door-to-door transportation Multimodal transportation integrates various transportation methods, promotes strengths and avoids weaknesses, and forms direct and continuous transportation, which not only shortens transportation mileage, reduces transportation costs, but also accelerates freight turnover and improves freight quality. Using multimodal transport, the goods can be directly transported from the consignor's inland warehouse to the consignee's inland warehouse, which lays a favorable foundation for the realization of direct and continuous transportation from door to door.

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contact information:

mobile phone:15812456495

Telephone: 020-8238 6960

Fax: 020-82214868

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Address: room 806-808, Yuanfeng building, Taoyuan West Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou